Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Hey Look Paul Is Posting a New Blog

Good Morning Everyone,

Well at the suggestion of my good friend Ryan Parsons and my Sister Melissa I am finally updating my blog. A lot has happened since my last post so I will save you all the boring details of that and catch you up on my last week.

I performed my first wedding this past week. Our minister was not available to marry this young couple so I was blessed with the chance to perform their ceremony. This was a great experience for me and I am glad to say that they are off to a great start in their life as husband and wife.

April and I have both been sick for the last week. When we are both sick not much gets done around the house but we have managed to muddle through just fine. April enjoyed her week off of work as much as she could while being sick and actually got quite a bit done.

Thanksgiving was a great time for the Cartwright family. Because I had to perform the wedding on a Wednesday evening we ended up hitting the road for Dallas on Thursday morning. I have to say that travelling on the day of Thanksgiving may just be the way to go. I have never made it through downtown Dallas that quickly at 3:00PM. We had a wonderful visit with my brother and sister and their respective families. My oldest niece now comes up almost to my shoulder. I am not sure if this is a testament to her height or my lack there of. My youngest niece will be a year old in January and is just about to start walking. Thankfully for us she still enjoys being held.

We left for home on Saturday morning and only met a little bit of traffic as we came into Houston. Since I had preaching duties on Sunday that meant that Saturday evening was spent completing a sermon. Sunday I preached on finding Thanksgiving in your Trials. It is amazing that when you think a sermon will not be strong is when you end up getting the most response from it. I am so blessed to work with so many encouraging people here in Pearland. Sunday evening we attempted meeting at 5:00 PM instead of 6:00 PM. We had our 5th Sunday singing which went well. Since we got out early April and I took off for League City to visit people there we never get to see.

Yesterday I was blessed to spend the day with our Golden Agers here in Pearland. We had a great potluck and time of fellowship. I went to the grocery store for this week's groceries which was uneventful until I broke a bottle in the parking lot at Kroger's.

April and I have been searching for a Christmas tree for the last couple of weeks and my Mom offered to give me one from her attic. I thought this was a great idea considering it was free so we went over and got it last night. We brought it in the house, put on Michael Buble's Christmas CD, unpacked the box only to realize that the tree has no stand. I guess we got what we paid for on that one. Mom is going to look for the stand so hopefully we can decorate our tree sometime soon. Until then our decorations are going to favor more of the experimental side of things.

Let me know what you think.
In this holiday season I am thankful for my wonderful wife, a great physical and spiritual family and the ability to minister to people. I hope you have all been blessed by this little update on the craziness that is my life.
Be Strong and Courageous,

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