Monday, January 19, 2009

Count Your Blessings Name The One By One

Good Evening Everyone,

This is a rare evening edition of Random Thoughts From a Random Guy. I was encouraged today by my good friend Sarah Adams. Sarah was a member of the youth group here in Pearland when I got here. My loss was Harding's gain when she left to begin her freshman year. Sarah wrote a note on her blog today detailing how blessed she is. I read this note on her blog in the midst of a small pity party I was hosting for myself. I was both blessed and humbled by Sarah's note and inspired to do as the songs says and "count my blessings". I hope you will indulge me a little bit by reading about my blessings while counting your own.

1.My God-When I think what my life would be like without my God it makes me stop and have to thank him for giving me life and giving me life to the fullest

2.My wife-I am blessed that I met, fell in love with and married my best friend. Nobody on Earth understands me like April does. I only hope that all of either are or will soon be yoked to your best friend. She has been through so much with me but is always my source of strength. I fall in love with her in a different way every day because she has so much to give. I look forward to a long life together.

3. My family-April and I made a whirlwind trip to Dallas to drop off a care package to a lady from church. A hotel room was not needed because my sister and brother-in-law so graciously opened their home to us. I am thankful for them and their little girls and my brother and sister-in-law and their little girls. I have to say thank you to my parents for teaching us to love God and love each other. And I could be thankful for my family without mentioning my in-laws in Minnesota who always make me feel like I belong.

4. My ministry-I searched for so long to finally find the Pearland Church of Christ. I work with the best kids and parents. I am also blessed to work with a great minister and supportive elders. I am allowed to work with the senior citizens and I have the best secretary anyone could ask for

5. Challenges-Life and ministry present challenges on a daily basis. While I sometimes complain about these challenges they help me grow and more than that they help my faith grow

6. Our home-Even with blue tarps on the roof, sagging ceiling in the kitchen and a few brown spots in the yard thank to Hurricane Ike I love our home. Our home is my sanctuary, place of healing and a great tool in my ministry.

I hope you have thought about and counted your blessings. More than that I hope you tell someone about your blessings and the one from whom all blessings flow.

Be Strong and Courageous,

1 comment:

snebrown said...

thanks for the reminders to be thankful! glad to have the two of you here!
