Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Coming soon

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been an eternity(okay maybe not that long) since I blogged. I know some of you were probably hoping for something new today but I am sorry to say that this blog is only a teaser for the blogs to come.

I am currently sitting in the youth and family education lab at Harding University in Searcy AR. I spent a lot of time here during my college years so this is kind of a walk down memory lane for me. The reason I am here is because I am attending the Harding lectureship. I am learning a lot in the classes I am attending and the keynote lectures I am going to as well. In the coming days after lectureship I plan to share thoughts and stories from this week. Basically if you want to know what I learned this week then you will have to check back in later.

I will leave you with one funny story from this week. I went to my first class yesterday and this student handed me a survey to turn in after the class was over. This was not that unusual and I gladly accepted the challenge of sharing my opinion. Later that day I saw the same girl handing out surveys before the keynote lecture. An older man walked up and asked if he needed one of the surveys and the young lady told him he did not need to worry about that because they were just for students. So apparently this young lady confused me for a college student. It is nice to know that I still look young enough to pass as a student.

I hope you are blessed today as much as you all bless me by being my friends.

Be Strong and Courageous,
Paul Cartwright