Good Afternoon Everyone,
I don't know if you are like me or not but I love questions. I love asking questions and I love answering questions. As I was sitting in my office today I began thinking of some of the great questions of life. Questions like...
Who created Stonehenge and why?
How does Jello stay Jello?
If a tree falls in the
forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?
Is the glass half full or half empty?
Why do we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?
Okay so maybe those are not the deepest unanswered questions in my brain but they are ones I think about sometimes. I started pondering great questions several weeks ago when our preacher DC Brown began a series on great Biblical questions and answers. I further began thinking about questions
because of a visit I made last night as part of our Wednesday night with the Master program here in
I met a young lady who was raised in the church and who is working with a friend who is searching for answers in his life. I gave her my e-mail address and told her to feel free to send some questions my way. I was thrilled that before I even got home my Blackberry was flashing red because I had an e-mail.
I spent the whole morning trying
to answer these questions from a Biblical perspective while attempting to not give the typical "
Churchy" answers. These questions challenged me, but in answering them God once again amazed me through his word. When I thought I was stuck all I had to do is look to the word and there was another answer waiting for me. I thoroughly enjoyed answering these questions. I feel one of the greatest aspects of ministry to ask and answer the hard questions.
What questions are on your mind right now? I want to know what you are thinking about. I don't care whether you are thinking about Biblical or non-Biblical issues I just want to know what is on your mind. If you have questions, ask them and I will try to give an answer. If you have thoughts and feel you need to share them but don't know who to share them with then share them with me. Feel free to comment here or send me an e-mail at .
In other news i am happy to say that I managed to pay off a whole credit card today. One of my new year's commitments is to try to climb out from under some accumulated debt and I feel like this was a good start. I hope you are blessed for stopping by today, I know I have been blessed because you decided to.
Be Strong and Courageous,