Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year

Good Morning Everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy new year!!! I am sure you think I am being crafty by waiting this long to wish you all a happy new year but the truth is I am just really bad at updating my blog.

We spent Christmas in beautiful snow covered Minnesota. I can't say much for the state except that it is beautiful when covered in snow. While in Minnesota I was given the privilege of preaching at the Roseville Church of Christ as well as teaching their Sunday morning Bible class. And just so you don't think all I did was have fun while I was there I have a couple of pictures to share with you of me shoveling snow and running the snow blower

I have decided this year to not make any new year's resolutions. I have found that most of the time the resolutions don't happen so I am making a decision not to fail. I am however going to work on some new commitments in the new year so we will see how that goes. While I am not going to share all of those commitments with the whole world I will share that I am hoping to keep in touch with my friends from the past during 2009.
To that end Thursday night I am going to have dinner with a couple of people I sang in choir with in High School. I am very excited to catch up with them and for them to get to know April better and for me to get to know their spouses better. I am even more excited that my best friend and best man Casey Rice will be returning home from the United States Navy tomorrow as well. I am hoping Casey will decide to make the Houston area his home again and that we can catch up on old times.
Today I hope that if yo have made new year's resolutions that you will stick to them. I hope if you are like me and not making resolutions that you will at least make some new year's commitments. Let's make 2009 a great year for furthering the Kingdom of God both here in the USA and abroad. I hope you are as blessed today for reading this as I am by your reading of this.
Be Strong and Courageous,

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