Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Did you ever have one of those days?

Good Evening,

Did you ever have one of those days where it seemed like nothing went right? I had a day like that today. The strange thing is that nothing really went wrong. I went to the office and did my work. I had lunch with all of the wonderful people I work with. I came home and went to dinner with my parents. Nothing went wrong but I felt like I had done nothing right all day.

I have these days occasionally and I am sure I'm not the only one so it makes you have to wonder where these days come from. I definitely feel like days like today are huge weapons in the arsenal of Satan. We know from scripture that Satan likes to attack when we are weak. He attacked Jesus with temptation in the desert in Matthew chapter 4. He used things he perceived would be appealing to Jesus such as power. Satan also used what he perceived to be a weakness to Jesus in the form of hunger.

On these days when nothing seems to go right I, for one, begin questioning everything that I do. I also become moody and hard to be around. These are all things that Satan can use to his advantage if I let him. I am ashamed to say that more times than not I allow Satan to use these days against me and in turn against my relationship with God.

I would encourage you to wrestle and struggle with these days in your life. Seek out the example of Christ found in scripture and try to handle it the way he did. If you look for God on these days you will find him because he never moved in the first place(Malachi 3:6).

I mentioned having dinner with my parents earlier. It was going over to my parent's house that I realized (again) God never moved. I was still in a bit of a funk when I got there but visiting with my parents and seeing the way God works in their life encouraged me. More than that my parents shared some cards that the family here in Pearland wrote to them and they were such encouragements to me.

The next time you have one of those days when nothing seems to go right just remember to look for God. He has never moved but he may reveal himself in places you would not expect. Don't let Satan use a bad day to gain a foothold in your life. I hope this has been a blessing to you today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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