Thursday, September 20, 2007

I Sing Therefore I Preach

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I sat down to type my blog about 6 hours ago and I am just now getting to it. We have had a busy day in the office but it has been a great day with lots of great ministry going on.

Our youth group began looking at the reasons we as a church sing last week in conjunction with learning some new songs. Last night we looked at singing as a form of preaching the Gospel. I have to admit that I have gone to church my whole life and loved singing every minute of it but I never really stopped to think about singing and preaching being connected.

We looked at Acts 16 where Paul and Silas were imprisoned and instead of preaching hell-fire and brimstone they prayed and sang songs. To demonstrate how singing is a form of preaching I had the teenagers name some of their favorite songs and their favorite lines from those songs. It was amazing that by putting those lines together you can make a pretty decent message. So I present to you a message from our teenagers from some of their favorite songs.

Love one another even if the skies above you are gray and you are feeling so blue because our God is an Awesome God. So Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy, tried and true because Satan was defeated. Rock of ages cleft for me and let me hide myself in thee because Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth and he will lift you up. I don't know why so many things seem to get in the way of seeing my God's glory but as the deer pants for the water Lord so my soul longs after you.

I bet you never thought when you were singing that you were preaching. Next time we all come together to worship in song remember that you are also preaching the word. I hope you are blessed today.

Be Strong and Courageous,