Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Off To Camp We Go

Hello Everyone,

It is had to believe that a month ago I was in California and now I am here in Pearland working with one of the best churches in the state of Texas. So much has happened since I last blogged. We have bought a home and are set to close on the 16th of this month. I have already taught a Bible class and given a devotional and pretty soon we will be heading off to do one of my favorite things and that is go to Camp Bandina.

Going to camp is like a homecoming for me. From the time I was a young child I attended camp and I have been blessed to be there as a counselor on two prior occasions. This year marks what I hope to be the first of many that I will be going as the youth and family minister at the Pearland Church of Christ. I am blessed to be teaching with one of my greatest mentors and friends Ralph Bryant. Ralph has been going to camp for nearly 30 years and has been teaching the 10th grade class for a majority of that time.

For any of you reading this who will be going to camp with us there are a few things you need to know. You need to be at the Pearland building at 7AM to load the van and worship so that we can be on the road no later than 8:00AM. You need to bring a sack lunch we will provide water to drink. There are other details we will share with you at church tonight.

I hope if you are a teenager and are reading this that you are going to camp someplace this summer. Camp is a place where you can remove yourself from the world for a few days and allow God to work in your life. Camp is a place where you will make lifelong friends and friends for eternity. I hope you are blessed by camp and by reading this today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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