Thursday, June 26, 2008

Going The Extra Mile

Good Morning Everyone,

As I sit here this morning I am reminded of a thought I had last night during Vacation Bible School. I watched as the faces of the children lit up at just the mention of the puppets coming out to see them. I listened in my Bible class as the children sang with their whole hearts all of the songs. I watched how determined they were to enjoy every second of playing outside and all of it got me to thinking about going the extra mile.

Children have no trouble going the extra mile because they are not hindered by so much of the baggage we adults carry around with us. They have no bills to pay, no cars to get fixed and don't have to buy groceries. Children amaze me in this way but it I am sad to say that we all have to grow up some time. But as is often the case being around our children at VBS this week has helped me to have some insight into my own life.

Jesus said in the book of Matthew "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles." As a child I never understood how anyone or anything could force me to go anyplace I didn't want to go. As an adult all I have to do is sit down to pay my bills and I understand this principle all to well.

So I have made a decision. No longer will I be satisfied with going just one mile I want to go on to the second mile. I will do my best to put my whole self into everything and not lose that child-like wonder and amazement at what God has blessed me with. I hope as you read this post this morning that you will make a decision to go the extra mile in life. I hope you are blessed today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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