Monday, August 30, 2010

My Day Today

Hey Everyone,

Mondays have become my day to take care of the office by myself. The recent resignation of our secretary means that once a week I get to be in the office by myself for a whole work day. Let me tell you about my day today.

I got to the office and I worked on creating a database for our congregational volunteer survey. While I was doing this a couple from our congregation stopped by and we visited for several minutes. After the couple left a lady looking for some help with her utility bill dropped by and after that I put in a service call regrading out Internet at work (or lack there of). I came home and spent some time with April and then fixed dinner for us. April and I then spent the rest of the evening together just watching TV.

You may read this and think a couple of things. You may think it is pretty boring sounding to work on a database all day. You might wonder how I was able to get anything done with interruptions. Here is what I think about my day.

I think I am blessed to work in a congregation where the eldership blesses me with opportunities to stretch myself in so many ways. I think it is great when a couple who has been married for a number of years and have raised Godly children come to visit me and share their knowledge. I think that cooking dinner for the woman I love and who is carrying our child is one of the greatest blessings I could have ever asked for.

Friends, I think we get caught up in our days and we forget that each day is a gift and a blessing from God. Sure, we have problems, we have things in our life that are difficult but if we didn't have those then we would not realize how blessed we are. I would just like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who bless me on a daily basis. You may not even realize that you are a blessing to me but you are. I don't have too much to say I just wanted to say thanks.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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