Friday, September 2, 2011

Nobody Enjoys Change

Good Morning Everyone,

Have you ever noticed that people in general do not enjoy change? I noticed this in a big way when I took my little girl for a ride in the car yesterday. I picked up Emma from our babysitter’s house yesterday like I do every day except instead of going home we went to the airport to pick up my Mother-in-law, her husband and my grandmother-in-law. Emma loves her family from Minnesota but because she had not seen them in awhile and since we were deviating from our normal routine Emma had a meltdown on the way home. I don’t use the term meltdown loosely here, she lost it, there were tears and cries and I’m pretty sure she threw a pacifier at some point.

I am always impressed at what we can learn from children about the human condition. Emma demonstrated what most of us feel when it comes to change. We would all like to throw a fit from time to time but we can’t because we are adults and that is not acceptable. As most of you know I work with teenagers, and one thing I’ve learned is, change is a way of life for them. Their bodies are changing; they are constantly being exposed to new ideas at school that cause change, and their interests change almost as often as they change their socks. The Bible has this to say about change and about the God we serve…

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.-James 1:17

In our ever-changing world it is important to remember that we serve a never-changing God. Our lives are turbulent and unstable but we serve a God that understands that and offers us stability. I like stability and I believe that we can all use a little more in our lives. Won’t you accept the stability that God offers? I hope you are all blessed by these words today. Thank you for blessing me.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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