Monday, August 6, 2007

Back in the Saddle again

Good Morning Everyone,

Something strange happened to me Saturday. It was like any other Saturday April and I spent the day together and went out to the Flint's for supper that night. There was nothing that physically happened that day that was any different than any other day but I felt differently.

I dwelled on the feeling I had all day and it finally occurred to me what I was feeling...comfort. For the first time in several years I finally feel comfortable. This is not to say that I am satisfied that the person I am right now is the person I want to be forever but I finally feel like I belong someplace.

April and I are so happy here in Fresno. I have been happy from the moment we rolled into town but this is more than happy. I feel a sense of ease here I have never felt before. I have discovered my love for teaching all over again. I credit this first and foremost to God. Secondly I have to thank all of you here at Woodward Park for giving me a chance and being sensitive to the fact that moving to a new place can be difficult sometimes but you have all made it better.

This morning I hope you feel a sense of comfort in your life. I hope that you find that comfort in the Lord's church be it at Woodward Park or wherever you choose to worship. This feeling is as good as gold and it feels good to be home. I hope you are all blessed today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

1 comment:

Amanda Parsons said...

I am so glad that you and April are doing so great! We love and miss yall.