Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh What a Night!!!!

Good Morning Everyone,

I am pleased to say that we had a great night as a youth group last night. The boys had a guys night out last night at Black Beard's and the girls had a sleepover at the Lane's house. The last count I had was about 24 total teens in attendance that is such an encouragement!!! Special thanks to Mike Avedikian for providing some script for Black Beard's and to the Lane's for allowing teenage girls to invade their house.

We are going to have one last lunch bunch this week so if you have not made it out to one yet this is your last chance on Thursday August 16th 1-3PM. Lunch bunch has been such a great experience for me because it has allowed me to get to know so many of the teens and their parents in a very relaxed setting.

On Saturday August 18th we are going to have a wiffle ball game here at Woodward Park from 5-8PM. This will be our last big activity for the teens this summer so I want to encourage all of you to come and bring a friend. Thank You teenagers for making my first summer here at Woodward Park one of the best ones I have had in a long time. I hope you are blessed as much as I am today!!!

Be Strong and Courageous,

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