Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm Back

Good Morning Everyone,

I am sorry for my lack of updates over the last week. I am sorry to say that all of you missed out on the fun of my being the one and only minister last week. I had the joy of fielding phone calls from people and having some very good Bible studies and very good conversations over the phone.

I want to say welcome back to Jim and Joe. The old saying goes absence makes the heart grow fonder and I believe that could be said about our ministry staff here at Woodward Park. We all carry different parts of the load here at Woodward and when those two are gone they are missed in a big way.

I want to also welcome everyone who went to Tahoe back. After listening to all the stories of the great classes and fellowship April and I have decided that next year we are going to have to go and be part of all the fun.

Yesterday I was privileged to see the birth of Sarah White into the family of God. I met Sarah during day camp and enjoyed getting to know her and now I am excited to be able to call her my new sister in Christ.

Let's make this week a great one!!! There are all sorts of opportunities to do good for all people here and abroad. If you are having trouble finding something good to do then give me a call and I am sure I can find a place for you to serve. I hope you all have a blessed day.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Monday, July 23, 2007

A Minister's Christmas

Good Morning Everyone,

Remember when you were a kid and you would wake up early on Christmas morning to see what Santa had left you under the tree and then you spent the whole day playing with new toys and being with family? That is kind of what yesterday felt like for me.

As a minister some days just feel right and yesterday was one of those days. I got to preach yesterday which is a little nerve wracking but always a treat for me. I taught Bible class on 1 Peter chapter 3 dealing with husband and wives and I have to say I did a pretty good job. After a quick lunch with friends and family at Taco Bell April, Tyler White, Mason White and I headed out to Hanford to conduct the worship service at the valley Christian home.

Yesterday evening at services I was privileged to lead singing for Roland Hendricks and then assist in the baptism of Robert Law. April and I capped the whole evening off with a nice supper at Sweet Tomatoes with the Centeno family.

It sounds like a lot but what you probably don't know is that ministers live for days like that. I love being able to do my job. The good thing is that thanks to all of you at Woodward Park I am finally in a place where I feel appreciated and I can take pride in my ministry.

I hope that in your life that you have days that are like Christmas for you. I encourage you to take pride in a job well done and give thanks to God who makes it all possible. I hope you are all blessed today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Like a kid in a Candy Shop

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all slept well last night. There has been so many good things going on in my life recently I feel just like a kid in a candy shop.

Sunday morning we had a great lesson by Jim Gardner on the Sabbath. This lesson definitely got my attention and the attention of others as well. We had a great study of 1 Peter 2 on in the teen Bible class on Sunday. Sunday night we had a devotional with about 50 teens and parents in attendance.

Tonight the youth group is headed over to Pump it Up over in Clovis. Pump it up is a place with inflatable games for the teens to play on. This looks to be a really fun activity. If you read this before 5 today and want to be a part of it just call the building and let me know.

I am most excited about tomorrow night. Several weeks ago we began a study on what it means to live our life like extreme Christians. Because of camp, the 4th of July and VBS I have not been able to move ahead at all in our study but tomorrow night all that comes to an end. If you want to know what it means to live your life at an extreme for Jesus Christ come to class tomorrow night as we dive in deep and find out what it means to be extreme.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Friday, July 13, 2007

A good king of tired

Good Morning Everyone,

I sit here this morning writing to you as a tired individual. As I wrote in my last post VBS is definitely no vacation and this morning I am feeling it. I struggled to get out of bed this morning and as I type my eyelids feel like they have weights in them. You may be reading this and thinking that I am looking for sympathy or pity but really I am writing this because there is no other way I would like to feel right now.

I may be tired but I am tired because I have been making a difference in the life of hundreds of children over the last week. I may have had trouble getting out of bed this morning but that is because I had trouble getting calmed down enough to go to bed last night because of the rush of VBS.

People say being tired is a bad thing but I tend to disagree. Like many things tiredness is a matter of perspective. I think about Peter and the other apostles on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). They had all been on an emotional roller coaster and then were asked to present the Gospel truth for the first time and then baptized 3,000 people. I personally think they were tired after all that but you never hear mention of it. Maybe the reason we never hear about it is because they were so caught up in doing the work of God that they were glad to be tired.

I hope you are tired today for the cause of Christ. If you are not tired today for the cause of Christ let me know and maybe we can find something for you to do. I hope you all have a blessed and tiring day for the cause of Christ.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Who put the vacation in vacation Bible School?

Good Morning Everyone,

I sit here this morning in full swing of Vacation Bible School. Growing up I always loved going to vacation Bible School because for me it meant atleast a week at Mam-maw and Pap-paw's house. I always learned so much from my teachers, I got to sing fun songs with Preacher Dan and the real reason all children go to VBS the Juice and Cookies.
It is funny how your perspective changes as an adult. As a child VBS was a vacation for me but as an adult it is anything but a vacation. I am only teaching a class during this week but it is a challenge to keep the attention of the children and make it relevant for them.
I write all this to say how much I appreciate all those that have put the long hours into making our VBS something great this week. Countless hours have gone into turning our auditorium into a ranch house and turning classrooms into Jericho and many other Biblical locations. I want to take this opportunity to brag on all of the teenagers who have helped this week without questioning anything. Thank you all for your good attitude and for you good example you are setting for the young ones you are leading.
If you have not made it to VBS this week you have two more opportunities to come see the great job our crew has done. I hope you all have a blessed day and that you act as the hands and feet of Jesus today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Monday, July 9, 2007

Each Morning I wake up in a Brand New World

Good Morning Everyone,

As I sit here at my desk it occurs to me that I wake up every morning in a brand new world. Take Saturday for instance. I got up after sleeping in a little bit and checked my e-mail only find out that great minister and soldier for Christ named Willie Sandlin passed away. Willie was a great guy. He loved God, his family, teenagers and baseball. Willie never passed up an opportunity to do some good for the cause of Christ. While most of you have never heard of Willie Sandlin I for one will miss him dearly.
This morning I had another new world experience. I preached my fist funeral. Lea Hinson died at 101 years old and I had the privilege of preaching her funeral as my first. The experience was almost surreal. As I stood in the pulpit making comments on the life of a woman I never met it almost felt like someone else was speaking.
I say all this to let you know that we have such awesome opportunities in our life. We meet people we never think we will see again and they end up becoming role models in your life. I met willie for the first time when I was seven years old seventeen years later he walked into the office of the church I was working at and I was amazed to see him again. I never Lea Hinson but through meeting her family I feel like I know her and I am better for it. Today I challenge you to take every opportunity to meet new people and learn all you can about them because you never know what the world is going to look like tomorrow.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Thursday, July 5, 2007

A Great 4th of July

Good Morning Everyone,

I hope you all had a great 4th of July Holiday. I got to spend yesterday engaged in two of my favorite activities. I spent the day at home with my wife watching movies and catching up on sleep and that evening we spent some time with good friends playing games and eating ice cream.
As we begin this new day I would ask that you pray for our country and its leaders. We are facing uncertain times and now more than ever we need to pray for those who are making decisions regrading the country which we live in.
The very best part of yesterday was that Tyler Hinton was baptized into the family of God by his father. I can think of no better freedom than the freedom from sin we have in Jesus Christ. I hope everyone is doing well today and that you all remember to thank God for the blessings you receive.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

It's a Small World After All

Good Morning,

I hope you all slept well last night. April and I were blessed to spend the evening with the Powers family as well as a few members of the Flint family eating pizza and watching movies. I am still so overwhelmed at the outpouring of love and acceptance from our family here at Woodward Park.

This morning I would like to share with you a story of how small our world really can be sometimes. When I was a sophomore at Harding I lived in Allen Dorm down the hall from a good friend of mine. This friend of mine was asked by another friend to house a visitor. This visitor was Ben Powell from Louisiana who came to Harding for a weekend visit. What Ben did not know was that weekend would change his life because he gave his life to Christ and he enrolled in Harding for the next semester.
By coincidence Ben and I ended up sitting next to one another in chapel and got to be good friends. We would talk about life and the Lord and our love for teenagers. Ben was a good guy and I am glad to say that I knew him.
Now I want you to fast forward a few years and several states to this past Sunday at Woodward Park. April attended the college class and tells me that Ben is now a father and has a son. While this would usually be such happy news the next part of the story is sad. Ben's little boy who is named Ethan has Leukemia. Strange how one minute you can be so happy hearing about an old friend and then so sad finding out that your friend and his child are in such dire straights.
You may be upset with me for relaying such sad news but there is a reason for all of this. Ethan needs our prayers for healing so I encourage you to offer prayers on behalf of the family. There is also a website where you can go to learn more about Ethan and his story as well as help the family out financially. (
It is a small world and getting smaller all the time. Psalm 133:1 says "How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity." Let's all attempt to live together in unity and give Ethan a helping hand.

Be Strong and Courageous,

Monday, July 2, 2007

The First of Many

Hello Everyone,

As my title suggests this is the first of what I hope to be many blogs that chronicle my thoughts and adventures as a youth minister in sunny California. I have a blog on myspace but I thought that this might be more easily accessed.
Today is my first day back from Yosemite Bible Camp and I have to say while I am glad to be in a little more comfortable setting I do miss the camp experience. I miss the stories Harlan Flint told up over coffee every morning, I miss listening to the high school boys talking about life and more than anything I miss being around all the teenagers who are so very hungry for the word of God. While at camp in less than 24 hours I had five Bible studies two of which resulted in teenagers giving their lives to Christ. I can say that it had nothing to do with my presentation but everything to do with the God we serve.
I want to take this opportunity to thank the parents of the teenagers who sent their children to camp. Your teens were a great refelection of the raising they are receiving.
We have a big month ahead of us at Woodward Park but I beleive we are all up to the challenge. Press on and Give God all the Glory!!!!

Be Strong and Courageous,