Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Who put the vacation in vacation Bible School?

Good Morning Everyone,

I sit here this morning in full swing of Vacation Bible School. Growing up I always loved going to vacation Bible School because for me it meant atleast a week at Mam-maw and Pap-paw's house. I always learned so much from my teachers, I got to sing fun songs with Preacher Dan and the real reason all children go to VBS the Juice and Cookies.
It is funny how your perspective changes as an adult. As a child VBS was a vacation for me but as an adult it is anything but a vacation. I am only teaching a class during this week but it is a challenge to keep the attention of the children and make it relevant for them.
I write all this to say how much I appreciate all those that have put the long hours into making our VBS something great this week. Countless hours have gone into turning our auditorium into a ranch house and turning classrooms into Jericho and many other Biblical locations. I want to take this opportunity to brag on all of the teenagers who have helped this week without questioning anything. Thank you all for your good attitude and for you good example you are setting for the young ones you are leading.
If you have not made it to VBS this week you have two more opportunities to come see the great job our crew has done. I hope you all have a blessed day and that you act as the hands and feet of Jesus today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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