Friday, July 13, 2007

A good king of tired

Good Morning Everyone,

I sit here this morning writing to you as a tired individual. As I wrote in my last post VBS is definitely no vacation and this morning I am feeling it. I struggled to get out of bed this morning and as I type my eyelids feel like they have weights in them. You may be reading this and thinking that I am looking for sympathy or pity but really I am writing this because there is no other way I would like to feel right now.

I may be tired but I am tired because I have been making a difference in the life of hundreds of children over the last week. I may have had trouble getting out of bed this morning but that is because I had trouble getting calmed down enough to go to bed last night because of the rush of VBS.

People say being tired is a bad thing but I tend to disagree. Like many things tiredness is a matter of perspective. I think about Peter and the other apostles on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2). They had all been on an emotional roller coaster and then were asked to present the Gospel truth for the first time and then baptized 3,000 people. I personally think they were tired after all that but you never hear mention of it. Maybe the reason we never hear about it is because they were so caught up in doing the work of God that they were glad to be tired.

I hope you are tired today for the cause of Christ. If you are not tired today for the cause of Christ let me know and maybe we can find something for you to do. I hope you all have a blessed and tiring day for the cause of Christ.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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