Monday, July 23, 2007

A Minister's Christmas

Good Morning Everyone,

Remember when you were a kid and you would wake up early on Christmas morning to see what Santa had left you under the tree and then you spent the whole day playing with new toys and being with family? That is kind of what yesterday felt like for me.

As a minister some days just feel right and yesterday was one of those days. I got to preach yesterday which is a little nerve wracking but always a treat for me. I taught Bible class on 1 Peter chapter 3 dealing with husband and wives and I have to say I did a pretty good job. After a quick lunch with friends and family at Taco Bell April, Tyler White, Mason White and I headed out to Hanford to conduct the worship service at the valley Christian home.

Yesterday evening at services I was privileged to lead singing for Roland Hendricks and then assist in the baptism of Robert Law. April and I capped the whole evening off with a nice supper at Sweet Tomatoes with the Centeno family.

It sounds like a lot but what you probably don't know is that ministers live for days like that. I love being able to do my job. The good thing is that thanks to all of you at Woodward Park I am finally in a place where I feel appreciated and I can take pride in my ministry.

I hope that in your life that you have days that are like Christmas for you. I encourage you to take pride in a job well done and give thanks to God who makes it all possible. I hope you are all blessed today.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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