Monday, July 9, 2007

Each Morning I wake up in a Brand New World

Good Morning Everyone,

As I sit here at my desk it occurs to me that I wake up every morning in a brand new world. Take Saturday for instance. I got up after sleeping in a little bit and checked my e-mail only find out that great minister and soldier for Christ named Willie Sandlin passed away. Willie was a great guy. He loved God, his family, teenagers and baseball. Willie never passed up an opportunity to do some good for the cause of Christ. While most of you have never heard of Willie Sandlin I for one will miss him dearly.
This morning I had another new world experience. I preached my fist funeral. Lea Hinson died at 101 years old and I had the privilege of preaching her funeral as my first. The experience was almost surreal. As I stood in the pulpit making comments on the life of a woman I never met it almost felt like someone else was speaking.
I say all this to let you know that we have such awesome opportunities in our life. We meet people we never think we will see again and they end up becoming role models in your life. I met willie for the first time when I was seven years old seventeen years later he walked into the office of the church I was working at and I was amazed to see him again. I never Lea Hinson but through meeting her family I feel like I know her and I am better for it. Today I challenge you to take every opportunity to meet new people and learn all you can about them because you never know what the world is going to look like tomorrow.

Be Strong and Courageous,

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