Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Reflection on a Great Workshop

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Well when I last left you we were in the process of kicking off our workshop. I communicated to you that I was a workshop novice but I was looking forward to being a part of the process and seeing what Woodward Park could really do. I sit here today amazed at the amount of quality work Woodward Park is capable of and I feel proud to say I was some small part of that.

My job during the workshop consisted of putting together and running PowerPoint, counting people in classes and keynotes, leading singing for Eli Hooper and putting the occasional baby to sleep. I loved every minute of my work during the Workshop! Along with hearing all the great speakers, participating in the thunderous praise to the Lord and being fed at the keynotes I was also able to get to work with my brothers and sisters to do something that is for sure the highlight of a lot of people's year.

This morning myself, Jim and the elders sat down and began looking at what Workshop will look like next year and I can assure you it will not disappoint. Today I issue all my loyal readers a challenge. If you participated in workshop this year then come back for next year. If you did not participate then make September 24-27 2008 on your calendar for next year. And for everyone I challenge to invite someone. I hope you are all blessed today!!!

Be Strong and Courageous,

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